Saturday 5 September 2009

twitter madness

The garden this morning is the centre of a twittering madness. Swirls of low-flying small birds are streaking past in their droves. Mainly tits, they whizz from tree to fence to plant chattering away in the excited tones I havent heard since Spring's mating & nesting season.

The cocophany of tweets is loud enough to be clearly heard above the roar of the thundering burn. Swollen by the torrential rain in the last 3 days the chocolately coloured water is tugging at the trees as it rolls down-river. Many of the lower branches are stripped bare and bob constantly above the water.

There was no rain overnight so it's already receding this morning. You can see where the grass on the opposite bank has been combed flat on the rocky shelf like a bad comb-over on a balding man. The lade, always genteel and calm, even when it raises by a metre is now also slowly lowering.

After days of rain, the birds are celebrating and feasting on all the new bugs.

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