Saturday 25 April 2009

Peashoots and rhurbarb flowers

18/19 April: The veg patch is sprouting already! You have to look closely but the peas, radish, beetroot, carrots and fennel are all making an appearance.

We’ve added to the veg in the garden this weekend by planting some spring onions, kale, rocket, salad leaves, parsley, chilli, pepper and basil seeds. The latter three are indoors at the moment but the rest are in pots outdoors on the deck. So we’ll see how they all go. The kale is a bit experimental as its not normally grown in pots but it does no harm to try different things!

The fruits have also started their growth spurt. The blueberries and gooseberries have new leaves while the raspberries are shooting up new canes. Unfortunately some of them have come up over 1m away from where they should be so I’ve had to take them out. But no fear they are vigorous and shooting up all over the place. The indestructible strawberries have started to run again.

The rhubarb has had a good start but are already sporting flower heads. I’ve quickly photographed it before chopping it off so it can resume normal growth.

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